Welcome and thanks for visiting Human Sound systems, based in the Seattle area. We strive to please at the highest standards of quality, from the pristine and well balanced sound coming out of our speaker systems, too providing the best and most personalized service in the industry. If you are looking too provide a musical experience and you need a top quality PA system to please the discerning ears of your audience, you have come to just the right place! At Human Sound, we believe that ear pleasing audio reproduction, large or small, does NOT have too come at a prohibitive cost to event planners. Our aim is not only outstanding performance, but you will find ours to be the most reasonable gig fees that can be found in pro sound. In such pledges, we are here to serve the music community of the NW.
-Julian O'Keefe [owner human sound]

Julian O'keefe is a musician, DJ, event producer and live sound engineer. Jules has been active in the professional sound world since 2004. He is a drummer and DJ who started in the music world by playing the trumpet when he was about 10 in school band, and tinkering with speakers. Percussion was his rabid pursuit in his teen years. At the age of 20 he started as a dj in the dance music arena, at about this time he started dabbling with sound reinforcement. After dj'n and doing sound for about half a decade the jump was made into producing underground music and art events and playing ambient music... It all just went on and on like that up until the present moment.
He has extensive experience as both DJ and Sound Engineer. He has provided the audio systems and sound consulting for many amazing events including, Faerieworlds, Photosynthesis Festival, Conscious Culture Festival, Toor Camp, Pacific Fire Gathering and many more. An important contributor to the Seattle music scene, Julian has brought many great sonic experiences to the attention of the people of the North West. Julian is also currently available for DJing any events/local shows.